Paladin is also proud of deploying unique corporate solutions to support our clients in ensuring their own operating environments are safe for customers, clients, and employees alike.
Our Emergency Operations Team continues to monitor all aspects of the pandemic, ensuring complete compliance with provincial, state, and federal governments as well as municipal and regional health authorities. Paladin has implemented its longstanding Business Continuity Plan, as well as activated its Emergency Operations Centre to ensure the continuous, safe functioning of the company.
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve taken a strong, proactive approach to minimizing the risk for our employees, many of whom are considered essential workers by government:
- Paladin field staff use our COVID-19 Field Risk Assessment Guide, equipping them with standards, guidance, and procedures to support risk mitigation to our clients, other contractors on site, and fellow employees.
- Staff complete daily health checks before being admitted on-site or in-office.
- Appropriate sanitation tools and personal protective equipment are made available to all staff.
- For administrative employees, Paladin has established and maintains a remote work program, ensuring remote work is supported and encouraged where possible.
- All Paladin corporate offices and warehouses are under enhanced cleaning and sanitizing procedures.
- Our offices carry staff levels that are compliant to area government guidelines. These ensure cohorting by business unit and modified seating plans to ensure physical distancing.

While keeping our employees and their families safe is important, we’re also proud of our industry leadership in providing innovative solutions and client support work in these areas:
- Touchless devices for hands-free accessibility and device activation, automatic door openers, wave sensors and alternative door handles.
- Automated cardholder identification and incident reporting for logging, analysis, and archive of building occupants for contact tracing and audit.
- Software for PSTN calling from Microsoft Teams, expansion of client appliances for expanded VPN and remote access capacity, upgrades for remote monitoring of on-premise systems to allow for expanded work-from-home.
- Thermal surveillance and pre-screening hardware solutions for elevated body temperature data.
- Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) to promote workplace physical distancing requirements, reporting, and analytics.
At this time, none of our installation, service, or technology functions are significantly impacted, and we’re mitigating supplier disruptions effectively. Paladin remains committed to serving our clients safely and effectively despite the challenges of the current climate. Any company updates and news surrounding COVID-19 will be posted on this page.